Tuesday 31 July 2012

David Cocks Q C cast aside his son never kissing him,giving him a friendly hug,a single gesture of fatherly love ,careful to discriminate in the most precise and hurtful manner throughout his childhood.

Robert Graves with David

Judy Dench with David,

Judy Dench and her niece Emma Dench,held it to be utterly shocking that David Cocks should cast aside his own son.This view is held by Alan Bennett our neighbour and chum since David was a baby and also Richard E. Grant who was also treated scurrilously by his father. Richard E Grant told me of this while we were waiting for our respective children in University College Quad.I told him how david's rich Q C father my pupil master gave his son only £16 a week and never saqw him though he constantly housed his adult step children,how he insisted i was worthless even though I raised his son alone and though an orphan at 6 had gone unaided through the ranks of university and law school alone,and had been asked to be his pupil though puplled to Michael Hymes,how I grew to utterly adore him which he utilised against me.Richard was marvellous a man of huge intellect and integrity,he knew at oncee what I was saying and told me his story.It was easier as we had a long standing mutual friend in Helena Helena Kennedy QC great champion of civil liberties,human rights and social justice.His father was vile to him making him live in a nightmare,and tried to shot him ,making him feel helpless and frightoned unvalued,"How can someone wants you dead , it is against nature for a father to want to kill a son."his father called him "shit"His father was always full of self pity. As Slavoj Žižek Slovene philosopher and cultural critic said to me "My God!"

Saturday 28 July 2012

The son David Cocks refuses to grant human rights love and justice to and refuses to see and acknowledge even his birthday card while ofcouse never sending him one.He doesnt want his son to hold his head high and why to hurt the mother,as everyone says he is fuious that she dared to hold HER head high and to fight for the life and survival of the child. He should be so proud of his brilliant son but he is afraid to be afraid to meet him in case he loves him in case his heart bursts with pride at his couage his dexterity his moral kindness and sense of justice.
The son of David Cocks Q C is an inspiration he believes in his father he believes in goodness he believes in human rights and justice.He helps to fight for the rights of the cleaner to get their just rewards for hard toil,justice for cleaners,holiday pay, pensions,he taught them English for a year at the university,he does the church garden every week,he does not eat meat because of the cruelty of slaughter.He has humour and moral intent and believes in equality of all people.He has a burning passion for reform and education which he believes is the magical world of existence.he believes everyones identity and individuality should be protected nor that people should be made to disappear because of their gender or circumstance.and above all that there should be peace and understanding between nations,family and individuals,that all people are equal but they should not be brainwashed by their function. He thinks Ed Miliband is a hero because he has time for his children and does not appease anyone and stands u for the vunerable and for what is right.